Designing and Writing a GPT App for Leadership Development

Discover how we're using storytelling and AI to build a GPT app that boosts leadership skills for young IT pros. Join us on this journey!

A bunch of young folks teaming up to develop a GPT app.
A bunch of young folks teaming up to develop a GPT app.
"Thinking hurts. It hurts to think."

This simple yet profound observation has shaped my journey to create a unique GPT app designed to boost leadership skills among young IT leaders. At, our mission is clear: to equip aspiring leaders with the tools they need to thrive. In this article, I’m excited to share my experience of designing, writing, and fine-tuning the functionality of this GPT app, all while following a Building in Public approach. By doing so, I hope to build trust in our unique value proposition and offer insights that could help others on a similar path.

The Beginning: A Vision for Story-Driven Learning

When I set out to create this GPT app, I knew I wanted it to stand out from traditional training methods. The idea was to blend storytelling with interactive decision-making, using advanced AI to create an engaging and practical learning experience. The foundation of this approach was built on several key principles:

  • Story-Driven Learning: Embedding IT leadership lessons within a narrative makes the learning process more engaging. By following the story of Emily—a newly promoted project manager at EdAI who’s empathetic, driven, but grappling with self-doubt—users encounter relatable and memorable leadership lessons.
  • Interactive Decision Points: At critical moments in the story, users make decisions that actively shape the narrative. This gamified approach enhances engagement and helps users think critically about their choices and the potential consequences.
  • Reflection and Feedback: After each scenario, users are prompted with reflection questions and guided responses to reinforce learning objectives. This encourages deep thinking about their experiences and how to apply the lessons learned.

The Design Process: Iteration and Learning

Designing the GPT app wasn’t a simple, straightforward task. It took weeks of experimenting with different elements, failing, and trying again until we hit the mark. Here are some of the key stages in our development journey:

1. Crafting the Narrative

The first step was creating a compelling story that would resonate with young IT leaders. We chose Emily, a relatable protagonist facing real-world IT leadership challenges. The story had to be engaging but also educational, offering valuable insights into leadership and decision-making.

2. Integrating Decision Points

Once the narrative was set, we embedded decision points at critical junctures. These points allowed users to make choices that influenced the story’s outcome, mimicking real-life decision-making processes. This interactivity was crucial for keeping users engaged and helping them understand the impact of their decisions.

3. Developing Reflective Prompts

To ensure users could internalize the lessons, we included reflection questions after each scenario. These prompts encouraged users to think deeply about their decisions and how they could apply the lessons in their professional lives. Immediate, tailored feedback provided guidance and reinforced learning.

4. Balancing Technical and Soft Skills

The narrative combined technical and soft skills, showing how both are essential for successful IT leadership. This holistic approach ensured users developed a well-rounded skill set, which is crucial for leadership roles.

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Challenges and Lessons Learned

Throughout the development process, we faced several challenges. Here are some of the key lessons we’ve learned from our early adopters so far:

1. Emotional Engagement

Creating an emotional connection with the protagonist, Emily, was essential for keeping users invested in the story. By following her journey, users formed an emotional bond that enhanced their engagement and retention of the lessons.

2. Real-World Applicability

Grounding the scenarios in real-world IT leadership challenges added practical relevance. Users could see how the lessons directly applied to their professional lives, making the learning experience more valuable.

3. Iterative Learning

The structure allowed for iterative learning, where users could see the consequences of their decisions and learn from them in real-time. This trial-and-error method has been highly effective for skill development.

4. Comprehensive Learning Path

Continuity in the narrative ensured that each decision point built on the previous one, providing a comprehensive learning path. This cumulative learning approach helped users understand complex concepts over time.

5. Encouraging Critical Thinking

The scenarios required users to think critically about each decision, considering team dynamics, stakeholder expectations, and technical challenges. This fostered advanced problem-solving skills.

6. Gamification Elements

Adding gamification elements, like decision points and immediate feedback, made learning more engaging and motivating. Gamification improved participation rates and overall satisfaction with the training program.

Building in Public: Sharing the Journey

Adopting the Building in Public approach has been a game-changer in our development process. By sharing our progress, challenges, and successes with the community, we’ve been able to gather valuable feedback and foster collaboration. Here are some of the benefits we’ve experienced:

1. Transparency

Being open about our development process has helped build trust with our audience. It shows that we’re committed to delivering a high-quality product and are open to feedback and improvement.

2. Community Engagement

Engaging with the community has provided us with diverse perspectives and ideas that have enhanced our development process. It also creates a sense of ownership among our users, making them feel invested in the product’s success.

3. Continuous Improvement

Sharing our journey has allowed us to receive continuous feedback, which is crucial for iterative development. It enables us to make timely adjustments and improvements, ensuring we stay aligned with our users’ needs.


Designing and writing the GPT app to support the leadership development of young IT leaders has been both rewarding and challenging. By combining storytelling, AI-driven insights, and Rance Greene’s method principles, we’ve created an innovative approach to professional development. The Building in Public approach has not only helped us build a better product but also fostered trust and engagement within our community.

As we move forward, we’re committed to continuous improvement and innovation, guided by the feedback and support of our users. We invite you to join us on this journey—share your thoughts and ideas, and help us shape the future of leadership development.

Thank you for reading. If you’re interested in being one of our early adopters and honing your leadership skills, or if you want to learn more about our approach, visit and subscribe for free. Let’s empower the next generation of IT leaders together.

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